The Federal Acquisition Certification for Program and Project Managers (FAC-P/PM) program is for acquisition professionals in the Federal Government performing program and project management activities and functions. Program and Project Managers (P/PMs) are critical to project success - including developing accurate government requirements, defining measurable performance standards, and managing life-cycle activities to ensure that intended outcomes are achieved. The FAC-P/PM focuses on essential functional and technical competencies needed for P/PMs. It does not include agency-specific competencies. The purpose of this program is to establish general training and experience requirements for those acquisition program and project management professionals. The FAC-P/PM applies to all executive agencies, except the Department of Defense (DoD).
The FAC-P/PM contains three (3) levels of certification that provides the required training and experience for Program and Project Management professionals. The FAC-P/PM shall be recognized by all federal civilian agencies as evidence that an employee meets core requirements to perform program and project management functions.
While training requirements for the FAC-P/PM are closely aligned with the DAWIA training requirements, they are not identical. Per the December 16, 2013, Memo on Revisions to the Federal Acquisition Certification in Program and Project Managers (FAC-P/PM) from OFPP, changes to the FAC-P/PM training requirements will be maintained on the FAI website under the FAC-P/PM Certification area.
The Information Technology (IT) PM Improvement Initiative identified several agencies that offer Government provided training courses that may satisfy the IT PM Specialization training requirements. Please contact your ACM for further guidance on the IT PM Specialization training track and requirements.
Agency Unique Certification Requirements: Federal agencies may have unique certification requirements in addition to the Federal Acquisition Certification (FAC) requirements. Members of the civilian acquisition workforce are encouraged to consult their agency acquisition workforce policies, internal agency websites, and/or their Acquisition Career Manager for additional information.
The table below identifies the training and experience requirements for each FAC-P/PM level and the IT Core-Plus Specialization. Per the December 16, 2013 OFPP Memo, changes to the FAC-P/PM Requirements will be maintained in the table below:
Entry Level |
Mid-Level |
Senior Level |
IT Core-Plus Specialization3 |
One year of project management experience within the last five years
Two years of program or project management experience within the last five years | Four years of program or project management experience, which shall include a minimum of one year of experience on Federal programs and projects, within the last ten years | Requires current Mid- or Senior-level FAC-P/PM certification. |
It is strongly recommended that courses be taken in the order presented. |
Choose one of the following tracks:
1 Experience. The requirements for experience are generally based upon the Program & Project Manager’s Qualifications. Experience may be time spent on the job in a program and project management-related job assignment, either in the private or public sector, which reflects the accumulation of knowledge, skills and abilities during years of progressively responsible work assignments. There is no exception to the experience requirements and candidates must provide evidence of their experience to their certifying official. Satisfaction of experience requirements from one certification level may be applied to the satisfaction of experience requirements of a higher certification level. Comparable education may be used to substitute for experience when determining whether an individual satisfies competency requirements. This will be determined by each agency. While a specific curriculum is not articulated in policy, the training options can assist agencies and individuals in determining their training and development needs.
2 Training. While a specific curriculum is not articulated, the training options shown in the table can assist agencies and individuals in determining their training and development needs. Fulfillment may be used by program and project managers with significant experience and training as an alternative way to meet the standard training requirements for certification. Fulfillment may be used when appropriate and in compliance with agency policy. The fulfillment process is based on documentation provided by the workforce member that demonstrates how they met or accomplished each of the performance outcomes and learning objectives in a specific course. The accomplishment of the performance outcomes and learning objectives may be based on program and project managers’ experience, alternative training, or another type certification in the area of program and project managers and other acquisition duties by another organization or other developmental activities. Please contact your ACM or Training Officer for details on submitting a Fulfillment package. Sample fulfillment templates are available as downloadable PDF files (for Entry Level, Mid-Level, and Senior Level FAC-P/PM) but do not replace the need for a resume.
3 IT Core-Plus Specialization. The purpose of the FAC-P/PM Core-Plus specialization is to establish the additional training, experience, and continuous learning requirements for FAC-P/PM certified personnel who manage specific investments requiring specialized knowledge, skills, and abilities. FAC-P/PM IT core-plus specialization requires current Mid- or Senior-level FAC-P/PM certification plus mastery of the additional core-plus specialty training, experience, and continuous learning requirements. There are no levels for core-plus specialty certifications. Once mastery of the core and core-plus competencies has been demonstrated through training, education, other relevant certification programs, or documentation through fulfillment (experience), the FAC-P/PM core-plus specialty certification is awarded and maintained through continuous learning. The FAC-P/PM-IT Core-Plus competency model and the IT Program Manager Career Path Guide provide more information on the FAC-P/PM-IT core-plus specialty certification.