We are pleased to announce the new Continuous Learning Individual Progress (CLIP) dashboard in the Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI) Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD) system.
What is the CLIP Dashboard?
The CLIP dashboard is a new feature in FAI CSOD that allows you to monitor your CL progress for all your certification(s). Users will be able to submit external CL activity requests to record CL activities that occur outside of FAI CSOD.
What do I need to do to prepare for CLIP?
While final system testing is in progress, there are a few steps you can take to prepare.
- Ensure that your FAI CSOD profile is up-to-date.
- Confirm you are in FAI CSOD. You should see the navy-blue FAI logo in the upper left-hand corner.
- Verify your user profile information. Hover your cursor over ‘Home’ to bring up the menu, click on ‘Universal Profile,’ ensure your information is correct. Your FAI CSOD email address should match your current agency email.
- While the final system testing is still in progress, please note that your certifications will not lapse at this time.
- Learn more about FAI CSOD.
- If this is your first time logging in to FAI CSOD, view the FAI CSOD welcome video that pops up. The video will help orient you to the new system.
- Go to ‘Help’ to find user guides and system training. This information will help you learn how to navigate the system.
Are you having problems logging into FAI CSOD?
If you are experiencing challenges logging into your FAI CSOD account or if you need assistance setting up your user account, please contact the Defense Acquisition University Help Desk via the ServiceNow Online Portal.
Where can I learn more about the CL Common period and FAQ regarding the CL restart?
Watch our videos about the new common CL period and common CL period frequently asked questions.