What is the status of the Continuous Learning (CL) Extension?
All Continuous Learning (CL) Achievement requirements with a "current" status as of February 1, 2020 are still considered valid until further notice. FAI CSOD is not automatically processing CL achievements at this time. FAI is working with the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) and federal agencies to examine CL processes going forward. Certification holders should still pursue continuous learning through all available methods. You should be aware:
- Training completed and recorded in FAI CSOD awards the associated CLPs
- FAI CSOD is not recording external CLPs at this time; you should maintain your records of external training; FAI will provide instructions for submitting external CLP requests after processes are established in FAI CSOD.
- The data for external event CLPs approved in FAITAS is recorded but not available in FAI CSOD. When a final decision is made regarding resumption of CL tracking, these CLPs records will be applied in line with that decision.
Please consult with your agency's Acquisition Career Manager (ACM) for further guidance.
Find contact information for your agency’s ACM on the FAI.gov ACM Page.
I completed a training course from an external vendor (e.g., not an agency provider). How do I submit a training completion from an external vendor to my FAI CSOD transcript for CLPs?
As mentioned above, FAI CSOD is not currently tracking CLPs against certification continuous learning periods. This includes CLPs for completing training from an external vendor. Once this feature is available, CSOD will begin to accept requests to document external training completions. For now, please maintain documentation for external training completions for submitting CLP requests. This documentation will be required, once the processes are established in FAI CSOD, for submitting and achieving CLP for external training completions.
How do I update my FAI CSOD user profile data?
Federal users have the ability to update the information in their universal profile in FAI CSOD. Refer to the Employee Task Aid and training videos within the FAI CSOD ‘Help’ tab for step-by-step guidance for how to update your user profile data.
NOTE: A change in the user profile may take up to 4 hours to update in the system and sync with the Okta login service. Please close your browser completely and do not log back into FAI CSOD until 4 hours has elapsed from making a user profile change. Keeping your session active or logging back in may overwrite the change you made.
I completed an online training course, but my FAI CSOD transcript is not reflecting a completion status. How do I get this corrected?
If you completed a CSOD online course and your transcript is not showing a completion status, submit a ticket via the ServiceNow Online Portal with a copy of the Completion Certificate or the completion confirmation email that you received after completing the online course and request an update to your training record.
DAU Help Desk (via ServiceNow Online Portal): https://services.dau.edu/psp?id=public_portal
NOTE: You must provide the Completion Certificate or the completion confirmation email in order for your training record to be updated.
My FAI CSOD transcript is not reflecting the correct training status (e.g., No Show, Withdraw, Fail) for an instructor-led training session. How do I get this corrected?
If your transcript shows an inaccurate training status (no show, withdraw, fail) for an instructor lead training session, use the table below to contact the Registrar team of the agency that conducted the training session and request an update to your training status.
I am registered for instructor-led training, but I have not received any information about how to access the training. What should I do? Who should I contact?
If you are registered for instructor-led training (ILT), but you have not received any information about how to access the training, do not wait until the first day of class to contact someone. At least one week before a class begins, you should contact the Registrar team of the agency conducting the training. Use the table below for agency’s Registrar contact information.
Why am I not able to register for DAU training events?
Currently, FAI CSOD does not support registering in DAU Instructor-Led Training (ILT) or Virtual ILT (vILT). Furthermore, because of high demand and capacity restrictions, DAU limits seats to Department of Defense students. You should consider DAU-equivalent Federal Organization events such as those in this table:
DAU Event ID |
Federal Organization Event ID |
CON 091 -or- CON 091V
CON 091 (FED)
CON 170 -or- CON 170V
CON 170 (FED)
CON 280 -or- CON 280V
CON 280 (FED)
CON 290 -or- CON 290V
CON 290 (FED)
CON 360 -or- CON 360V
CON 360 (FED)
ACQ 265 -or- ACQ 265V
ACQ 265 (FED)
ACQ 315 -or- ACQ 315V
ACQ 315 (FED)
ACQ 370 -or- ACQ 370V
ACQ 370 (FED)
If you are interested in alternatives to particular DAU ILT and vILT sessions, consult your agency ACM.
Find contact information for your agency’s ACM on the FAI.gov ACM Page
DAU Online Training (OLT) is available to all students.
Who can I contact if I have questions about certifications or warrants?
Contact your agency’s Acquisition Career Manager (ACM) for questions related to certifications or warrants. ACM’s can provide targeted information in the following areas:
- Agency-specific Acquisition Training, Certification, Warrants, and Continuous Learning (CL) Requirements
- Agency-specific Acquisition Policies and Procedures
- Career Development
- Training and Development Opportunities
Find contact information for your agency’s ACM on the FAI.gov ACM Page
How do I create a user account in order to access FAI CSOD?
Federal government users, contractors (limited user access), and foreign nationals must submit a System Authorization Access Request (SAAR) form to obtain an FAI CSOD user account. The FAI SAAR is available online at https://saar.dau.edu/. Refer to the SAAR Job Aid for guidance on how to complete the SAAR form:
- Non-DoD Federal Agency Users, refer to page 13.
- Foreign National Users with a DAUID, refer to page 13.
- Foreign National Users without a DAUID, refer to page 23.
All users should submit requests for log-in assistance, password resets, and other issues or questions related to your FAI CSOD access via the ServiceNow Online Portal.
DAU Help Desk (via ServiceNow Online Portal): https://services.dau.edu/psp?id=public_portal
How do I access FAI CSOD from the DAU dashboard in Identity Management after activating my account?
You have reached the DAU dashboard because you logged in from this URL id.dau.eduOpens in a new window. To access FAI CSOD from this URL click on the Virtual Campus button as shown in the screenshot below. To access FAI CSOD directly by going to dau.csod.com
What browser should I use to access FAI CSOD?
You need to use one of the following browsers to access FAI CSOD:
- Microsoft Edge for Windows 10 (Microsoft Edge Chromium)
- Apple Safari
- Mozilla Firefox
- Google Chrome
Note: Internet Explorer (IE) is NOT supported by FAI CSOD.
Am I able to use my Personal Identity Verification (PIV) card to login?
Currently, login to FAI CSOD is with your work email and a password provided by DAU. FAI plans to have PIV authentication capability, but this is not available at this time.
I need permissions and access within FAI CSOD to perform tasks that are above the standard employee and/or supervisor/manager roles. How can I get assigned to an elevated system role (i.e., role other than the standard employee and supervisor/manager roles)?
FAI CSOD role changes must be coordinated through the agency ACM. Contact your agency’s Acquisition Career Manager (ACM) for assistance.
Find contact information for your agency’s ACM on the FAI.gov ACM Page.
Are there any training, resources, or guidance available to help me learn and navigate FAI CSOD?
Yes. The following training materials are available from the 'Help' tab within FAI CSOD to help you learn and navigate FAI CSOD:
- Training Videos - These short (30-second to 3-minute) videos will provide answers to many of your FAI CSOD questions on topics that include: Updating User Records, Registering for Certification, Submitting Education and Experience Requirements, Registering for Instructor-led Training, Requesting Equivalencies and Fulfillments, and more.
- Task Aids - Task aids provide step-by-step guidance for performing tasks in FAI CSOD for each user role below.
Note: The following task aids are PDF versions of the FAI CSOD user task aids, available externally for your convenience; access the most up-to-date, online task aids from the ‘Help’ tab within FAI CSOD.
Is there help desk support available?
Yes. Submit requests to the DAU Help Desk via the ServiceNow Online Portal for assistance with the following types of issues:
- FAI CSOD system questions and issues
- FAI CSOD system errors and troubleshooting
- Password issues and resets
DAU Help Desk (via ServiceNow Online Portal): https://services.dau.edu/psp?id=public_portal
Does it matter if I register for a training session offered by an agency other than my own?
We have an agreement among agencies that instructor-led training sessions are the same from one agency to the next (e.g., FCR 201, CON 170 (FED), FPM 121, etc.). They all address the same competencies and job requirements. The difference might be that some agencies prioritize their own employees before allowing others to get a seat, they charge a fee to employees of other agencies, or they conduct the training over different periods of time.
For example, FCR 201 consists of 40 hours of training. Training sessions might be conducted 8 hours per day over 5 days, 5 hours per day over 8 days, or 4 hours per day over 10 days.
Always consult your agency’s ACM for training requirements particular to your agency.
Find contact information for your agency’s ACM on the FAI.gov ACM Page.
Am I able to print copies of course completion certificates and acquisition certifications?
Yes. CSOD supports printing course completion certificates and certifications from your transcript.
How do I request an FAI Official Transcript?
Submit your request for an FAI Official Transcript to the DAU Help Desk via the ServiceNow Online Portal.
DAU Help Desk (via ServiceNow Online Portal): https://services.dau.edu/psp?id=public_portal
Is CSOD 508 compliant? Is CSOD content 508 compliant?
CSOD is 508 compliant. The user pages of the Cornerstone system are generally compliant with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, depending on the features used and the way the client has configured its portal. The Cornerstone system is compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA. This ensures that all user features are accessible to people with disabilities. Cornerstone maintains support for the latest version of JAWS screen reading software.
Individual content providers must verify 508 compliance for their course content prior to upload.