Ever wondered what more you could do to support small business and help your agency meet or exceed its goal? Watch former OFPP Administrator Joseph Jordan, SBA Associate Administrator for…
In the seventh episode of Behind the Buy, U.S. Chief Acquisition Officer Anne Rung interviews Beth Hochberg, an Assistant General Counsel at the General Services Administration (GSA) and GSA’s…
These interviews of Suspension & Debarment Officials and Professionals from across the Federal Government will provide you with an advanced understanding of some of the nuances of Suspension…

During the “Contract Innovation and Risk Management” Knowledge Nugget, you will learn that not all commonly used acquisition processes are required or rooted in law or regulation. In fact,…
Schedules have come a long way. This course compares FAR 8.4 (Federal Supply Schedules) to FAR 15 (Contracting by Negotiation) and provides information regarding when and how to use these sections…
On March 7, 2022, the FAR council published FAR Rule 2021-008, which included substantial and complex changes to the requirements of the Buy American statute. FAI has created a five-minute …

On March 7, 2022, the FAR council published FAR Rule 2021-008, which included substantial and complex changes to the requirements of the Buy American statute. FAI has created a five-minute …